Last weekend I grooved and laughed at my very first Silent Disco! Have you ever done this?

When the event organiser got out the headsets, honestly I was looking for an escape route … seriously I really was! But I decided to feel my anxious feelings and get dancing anyway and I’m so glad I did! I haven’t laughed and smiled this much for a long time – I loved it!


A silent disco is an event where people dance to music listened to on wireless headphones. Rather than using a speaker system, music is broadcast via a radio transmitter with the signal being picked up by wireless headphone receivers worn by the participants.”

You get to control the volume on your headset (which is wonderful for people like me who don’t do especially well with loudness), and if you’re not feeling the beat of a song on the channel you’re listening to, you can just change channels and get a song you like better.

When you look around the room you can tell who is listening to which channel because the headphones light up to a colour for the station you’re on – it was so amazing finding myself changing to a different colour channel for the best song, and then going to find the others who were also listening to the same channel. All the greens were dancing together, and all the blues, all the reds, etc.  We all danced differently, but we were grooving to the same music and finding our tribes!

It made me think about finding your tribe in other areas of your life, and the music we’re dancing to together in the tribe. I really like to surround myself with certain kinds of people who have similar values to me, people who I can encourage, and who can encourage me to really get the most out of my life and the circumstances I find myself in.

As a nutritionist of course one of my values is contributing every day to my health, and while I don’t live in an echo chamber with this, I think it’s important to surround myself with people who feel similarly.

These people are my tribe, they remind me of why I do what I do, why I choose what I choose, they give me great ideas about putting it all together so that it feels like an amazing aspect of my life, and I don’t feel so alone.

We are all dancing together even though we may not make a big noise about it!

Have you found your tribe with lipoedema or lymphoedema? Do you long for people who are grooving to the same music even though our dance steps all might look a little different?

If you’re looking for a tribe of people who have lipoedema and / or lipoedema and are grooving to the keto or low carb station, you can join us here on Facebook – it’s a free group just for us:

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